October 17, 2017
Contact: Lisa Gasperoni
(916) 803-0433
Wendy Carrillo’s campaign for Assembly District 51 announced today that the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor has endorsed Carrillo’s candidacy for State Assembly.
Rusty Hicks, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO said: “Wendy Carrillo has stood with workers to bring the California Dream within reach of families by fighting for a $15 wage, cracking down on wage theft and discrimination, and working to achieve civil rights for the LGBTQ community, among other progressive initiatives. Together, we fought to make California the nation’s leader in expanding affordable health care through the Affordable Care Act. With coverage for millions of families under attack from President Trump, we can count on Wendy to defend and expand California’s progress in achieving health care for all.”
The Labor Fed’s key endorsement comes as Carrillo’s campaign has received a surge of momentum after a first place finish in the October 3, Special Primary Election. The Labor Fed, which represents more than 800,000 working people, joins Congressman Jimmy Gomez, State Senate President pro Tem Kevin de León and Los Angeles Councilman José Huizar in throwing their support behind Carrillo.
“It is truly an honor to receive the strong support of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, one of Los Angeles’ largest and oldest forces for equality and opportunity for working people,” said Carrillo. “Having fought for the rights of working men and women throughout our community, I will continue standing up for the progressive principles that the Labor Fed and I share. I am looking forward to continuing to work with the Labor Fed in ensuring all Californians have a voice in our political system.”
A lifelong champion for working people throughout AD 51 and the State, Carrillo is the only candidate endorsed by the California Democratic Party, and has also earned the support of SEIU California, which represents over 700,000 working people.
The General Election for AD 51 will be held on December 5, 2017.
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